Home Learning
Home Learning - Lockdown 5th January 2021 onwards
All learning uploaded to the Google Classroom/Tapestry will match what is being taught in school. We will be setting and supporting the children to take part in lessons that teach new content and revise previous topics.
Children will receive the following weekly:
*3 spelling lessons focused around a rule which incorporate games and apply activities. The PowerPoint or notebook will have clear worked examples of the rule and the rule in practise.
*3 grammar lessons focused on a particular area of learning that the children need to secure this term. The PowerPoint or notebook will have clear worked examples of the rule and the rule in practise.
*For EYFS, Year 1 and lower attaining Year 2 children the spelling and grammar sessions will be replaced with modelled Read Write Inc. (RWI) sessions, including a taught phoneme and modelled reading sessions using the appropriate books.
*A reminder to read daily for 30 minutes will be posted alongside links to suggested websites that will allow the children to access ebooks & audio books. We will not be sending books home this time as unfortunately a vast amount were not returned after the previous lockdown. For EYFS, RWI texts will be sent for daily revision with additional reading books to be read 3 times per week.
*A reminder to practise times tables for 30 minutes per day will be posted alongside suggested links to websites that will allow the children to access free games to do this. The children will also be reminded to use their log in to times table rockstars/ tackling tables. For EYFS, a reminder to practise key mathematical skills will be posted (such as counting, subitising and number bonds) with practical ideas to do this at home, as well as access to free interactive games.
*An English lesson 4x per week - this will be a lesson focused on producing writing that applies taught grammatical skills and effects. This may build up over a week: e.g. a week’s focus on understanding and applying accurate conjunctions in writing beginning with word level work, moving on to application in sentences and then to paragraphs. Or it may be a two week unit of work based around a text type that focuses on a couple of different skills over the two week period. For EYFS, this could be a focus story with a build up of skills across the week such as retelling, comprehension, ideas for play following the story and a writing focus.
*A daily maths lesson which focuses on the content to be taught this half term and incorporates activities that enable revision to take place of content previously learnt.
*A reading comprehension lesson once per week focusing on the key skill of find and retrieve and incorporating word meaning as revision.
*A theme lesson at least 3 times per week (depending on the length of the lesson and what outcome is expected from the children, one lesson may span two afternoons). Subjects and topics will follow those that were due to be taught in school during this half term.
*One Google Meet per week with your class to encourage conversation, socialising and a general wellbeing catch up. This may be themed around a topic that the teacher chooses or could be a general chat and catch up.
For all English, RWInc, Reading, Maths & Theme lessons, teachers will produce a video input to accompany the notebook/powerpoint. This will ensure that children are engaged, that the learning is understood and that the teacher can support by clarifying and completing worked examples.
All lessons will be uploaded to the google classroom/tapestry by 9am. The classroom/tapestry will be checked by teachers and TAs at least hourly in order to respond to questions and queries. Answers to work will be provided for all lessons by 4pm on the same day. All work submitted will be checked over and feedback provided to children.