Bistro Buddies!

BISTRO BUDDIES As part of our school improvement plan, we are on a mission to improve the lunchtime experience for all pupils here at AJS. As part of this mission, we have introduced a group of Year 5 and 6 pupils called the ‘Bistro Buddies’. Bistro Buddies have been fundamental in helping fellow pupils get to grips with our new lunch time wristband system, whereby any pupil entering the dinner hall for a school dinner wears a coloured wrist band to indicate their dinner menu choice for that day. Not only this, but the Buddies have relished the opportunity to assist younger pupils with their cutlery as well as their conversation – encouraging lunch time chat amongst peers is one of their key objectives. A huge thanks goes out to these pupils for taking on their new role with such enthusiasm. They are certainly doing a fine job so far! Bon Appetit!