Straw Bear Festival
The AJS Plough Gang dance group performed at the annual Straw Bear Festival in Whittlesey on 11th January 2025.
The AJS Plough Gang dance group performed at the annual Straw Bear Festival in Whittlesey on 11th January 2025.
Helping Our Ukrainian Friends charity, who we supported last term with the gift boxes. Thank you Kayla for organising this and to everyone for your help/ donations.
It was so lovely to see everybody's odd socks on Tuesday 12th November. There were some spectacular combinations! Odd Socks Day gave us an opportunity to recognise our differences which is something that we will continue to celebrate at AJS.
We've had a fun-filled start to the half term with lots of engaging activities! Our theme this half term is Night and Day and we started by focusing on fire safety, bonfires, and fireworks. The children enjoyed watching a firework display recording and describing the shapes and colors they saw. We also listened to Handel's Fireworks Music and explored the different instruments in the orchestra.
In addition to our themed activities, we learned about how chocolate melts when heated and made our own chocolate sparklers with breadsticks and sprinkles- delicious and fun! To top it all off, the children had a wonderful time toasting marshmallows over a fire pit outdoors. What a fantastic start to our half term!
On Thursday 14th November the Year 1 children visited Whittlesey Fire Station. They learnt about fire safety and alarm systems in the classroom and looked at how fire engines have changed over time. They then had fun using the fire hose and trying on safety equipment.
Thank you to everyone who donated items this week. Yesterday, Mr Bennett from the 'Helping Our Ukrainian Friends' charity, Miss Neacy and a team of Class Ambassadors sorted all the gifts into boxes, wrapped in Christmas paper and wrote cards with a Christmas message from all at AJS to the children who will receive the gifts. Members of the charity are driving from Peterborough to Kiev next week and have promised to send some photos from their trip!
I am delighted to share with you the wonderful experience our class had during our recent visit to St Mary’s Church. The children thoroughly enjoyed exploring the various features of the church, and it was heartwarming to see their curiosity and enthusiasm.
The Early Years children had a planetarium visit to support our new topic 'Night and Day'. They had fun learning about the Earth, sun and moon, nocturnal animals and looking at the stars in the sky at night time. Thank you to FOAJS for funding this amazing experience for us!
BISTRO BUDDIES As part of our school improvement plan, we are on a mission to improve the lunchtime experience for all pupils here at AJS. As part of this mission, we have introduced a group of Year 5 and 6 pupils called the ‘Bistro Buddies’. Bistro Buddies have been fundamental in helping fellow pupils get to grips with our new lunch time wristband system, whereby any pupil entering the dinner hall for a school dinner wears a coloured wrist band to indicate their dinner menu choice for that day. Not only this, but the Buddies have relished the opportunity to assist younger pupils with their cutlery as well as their conversation – encouraging lunch time chat amongst peers is one of their key objectives. A huge thanks goes out to these pupils for taking on their new role with such enthusiasm. They are certainly doing a fine job so far! Bon Appetit!
Macmillan Cake Sale
New Early Years Outdoor Area Opens at Alderman Jacobs Primary School
On Wednesday 9th October the children took part in the annual sponsored walk. The weather stayed fine and all the children pushed themselves and completed the following distances;
Pre School - walked for 20 minutes and covered a distance of 1km
Early Years - walked for 40 minutes and covered a distance of 2km
Year 1 and Year 2 - walked for 50 minutes and covered a distance of 3km
Year 3 and 4 - walked for 60 minutes and covered a distance of 4km
Year 5 - walked for 60 minutes and covered a distance of 5km
Year 6 - walked for 45 minutes and covered a distance of 4km
The school council will now think about ways in which the sponsorship money should be spent and on what kind of resources.